Jordan Pfeiffer grew up in Manassas, Virginia and has attended New Covenant Fellowship since he was a child. He has served on the worship team for many years. In 2015, Jordan began attending Meta, a local young adult ministry. It was at this time he heard God's call to serve in ministry and was asked to lead a bible study for the group. He discovered his passion for learning the word of God through teaching. He graduated from George Mason University with a Bachelor's degree in business management and double major in information systems management in December of 2016. Jordan married his wife Katelyn on October 19, 2019 and was ordained November 10, 2019 as a Pastor/Elder. Jordan is now the co-leader of Meta and seeks to present the gospel to his peers with authenticity and clarity.
Bob McCaig has been a Pastor/Elder at New Covenant since 2001. He was born on a farm in upstate New York. He attended Campbell Central School and was raised in the Methodist Church. Bob attended Clarkson College of Technology and was initially employed by IBM FSD in Owego, New York. While in Owego, he married his wife, Marci. It was during those early years that he and Marci attended a Lay Witness mission held by the Methodist Church. It was then that He came to understand what a personal relationship with Jesus Christ really meant. In 1974 they moved to Virginia and continued their journey to develop a closer relationship with Christ. In 1977 Bob became a member of the Gideons and continued in that ministry until he was ordained. He and his wife Marci have been married for more than 54 years and have three children, several grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.
Prior to his ordination as a Pastor/Elder in 2003, Dr. Donald Ponikvar was a career Army officer. He graduated from West Point, and was commissioned in Armor Branch, serving in assignments in Germany and in the United States. He has a PhD in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), taught Physics at West Point, and worked for several years on President Reagan's Star Wars program. During the week, when he is not involved with pastoral duties, Don is a consultant to the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security, advising them on countering terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
Don was born in Cleveland and raised in the Methodist Church. While at graduate school at MIT, he came to a personal revelation of the reality of God and the need for a personal relationship with Jesus after hearing a Physics Colloquium on the Big Bang theory of the creation of the universe. He committed himself to Jesus in 1980, and became involved with the Officer's Christian Fellowship, ministering to military personnel from all around the world. He taught Prophetic Ministry and Healing at Shepherd's Heart Bible College in Fairfax, VA, and is a certified trainer for the Christian International course on Ministering the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. He is also a commissioned Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Chaplain, working with Christ In Action, a service organization headquartered in Culpeper, Virginia. He and his wife, Patti, have been happily married for 50 years. They have three children, all married, three grandsons, and a granddaughter.
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