Our Children’s ministry at NCF loves, teaches and nurtures the children in an effort to lead them to an intimate, loving, and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The children  meet  Sunday mornings during the preaching portion of the service with a team of trained adults who use storytelling and crafts to teach them the basics of Christian faith, and who they are in God's Kingdom.

Mothers of Offenders (Moos)

The Prophetic Ministry at New Covenant is designed to provide an opportunity for individuals and couples to hear what the Lord has to say for them, assisted by a trained team of ministers.  The Team members have all undergone a two-part formal training session based on the 24-week series called Ministering Spiritual Gifts, developed by Christian International Ministries Network in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida.  The training takes a total of 26 weeks.  Personal ministry sessions are scheduled in advance through the NCF Church Office.  Sessions can be arranged for a Thursday evening, or (more commonly) on a Sunday immediately following the service.

The Women’s Ministry’s vision is to enhance and mobilize Godly “Women Warriors,” with complimentary gifts in unity, to influence and draw others to the Kingdom of God. We do this in our families, homes, communities, workplace, schools, cities, and nation.

Our ministry is about coming together in commitment to one another  for spiritual support, strength, accountability and fellowship in a real, authentic and transparent way.  Our Ministry  provides a healthy and dynamic forum and a climate of trust that  upholds each other in prayer,  provides practical support in time of need,  offers a sense of belonging and connectedness, provides deep and dynamic study in the word.
We have regular and quarterly breakfasts. We invite all New Covenant Fellowship women and guests to join us at any of our studies or breakfasts. For more information, contact Marie Juliano at armorbearermj@aol.com.

MOOs is a support network born out of a common need. Few can understand what a mom is going through when her son or daughter is arrested. There are many emotions including hurt, shame, fear and confusion. SMOOs are a select few who serve as supporters to the moms. The MOOs and SMOOs understand and don't judge, but simply offer listening ears and compassionate hearts. If there is a mom going through the pain of a child having been arrested, you are invited whether you are a part of New Covenant Fellowship or not. To meet with the group, someone needs to simply call NCF at 703-361-0890 and a mom will return the call. We value confidentiality.

Women's Ministry

Our Children’s ministry at NCF loves, teaches and nurtures the children in an effort to lead them to an intimate, loving, and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The children  meet  Sunday mornings during the preaching portion of the service with a team of trained adults who use storytelling and crafts to teach them the basics of Christian faith, and who they are in God's Kingdom.

Intercessory Prayer

Missions Care Team

Children's Ministry

Prophetic Ministry

Our worship team leads our church family in worship every Sunday morning. We are composed of various instruments and voices from acoustic to electric.  New participants with musical skills are welcome to join.  Speak to Stephen Raze or Robin Bayles for more information.

The Christian Artists Fellowship is a community of artists who meet monthly to  share  their  faith and their art. The purpose is to experience and celebrate God's love and creativity. Through this community we receive guidance, support, and inspiration in responding to God's call upon our lives. For more information, contact Patti Ponikvar at ponikvar@shentel.net.

Established in early 1986, the New Covenant Fellowship's Missions Care Team allocates 10% of all General Fund monies received by NCF to help support missionary endeavors locally, nationally and worldwide.  As of 2022, the Missions Trust helps to support a dozen different ministries or missionaries on a regular basis.  These currently include workers in Asia, Ghana, India, Philippines, Slovakia, Botswana, and in a number of locations in the United States.  A full list of our current Missionaries is found here.

New Covenant Fellowship Ministries

Worship Ministry

Children's Ministry

Prayer requests can be made online through our website.  These requests go directly to our prayer intercessors.  If you have a prayer request that you would like the pastors to address on Sunday mornings, you may call any one of our pastors. If you would rather not call a pastor directly, or have difficulty reaching one of them, call the church office at 703-361-0890.  You can also email any prayer requests to the church office at EAlvaNCF@outlook.com.